Withdrawal Agreement Article 185

Withdrawal Agreement Article 185: Key Points and Significance

Withdrawal Agreement Article 185 is a crucial provision of the Brexit deal that outlines the UK`s obligation to cooperate with the EU on customs matters post-Brexit. The provision has been in the headlines recently due to the controversy surrounding the UK`s decision to trigger it unilaterally, prompting backlash from the EU and potential legal action.

Here are some key points and significance of Withdrawal Agreement Article 185.

What is Withdrawal Agreement Article 185?

Withdrawal Agreement Article 185 is a provision in the Brexit deal that outlines cooperation between the UK and the EU in matters related to customs. Specifically, it provides for the establishment of a joint committee to oversee technical and administrative matters relating to the implementation of the agreement. The joint committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of customs-related measures, including those related to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The joint committee is comprised of representatives from both the UK and the EU, with each side having an equal say in decision-making. The committee meets regularly to discuss matters related to the implementation of the agreement and to resolve any issues that arise.

What is the significance of Withdrawal Agreement Article 185?

Withdrawal Agreement Article 185 is significant because it underscores the importance of cooperation between the UK and the EU in the aftermath of Brexit. The provision demonstrates both sides` commitment to maintaining a strong partnership and ensuring a smooth transition for businesses and citizens.

For the UK, Withdrawal Agreement Article 185 is particularly significant because it provides a framework for managing the customs-related implications of Brexit. The provision acknowledges that there will be technical and administrative challenges related to customs following Brexit and provides a mechanism for addressing these challenges.

However, the provision has also been a source of controversy in recent months due to the UK`s decision to trigger it unilaterally. The UK government`s move has been criticized by the EU, which argues that the decision violates the agreement and undermines the UK`s commitment to cooperation. The EU has threatened legal action against the UK if it does not reverse its decision.


Withdrawal Agreement Article 185 is a vital provision in the Brexit deal that underlines the importance of cooperation between the UK and the EU. The provision provides a framework for managing customs-related issues and demonstrates both sides` commitment to ensuring a smooth transition. However, the controversy surrounding the UK`s unilateral decision to trigger the provision highlights the ongoing challenges faced by both sides as they navigate the post-Brexit landscape.